Ourdoor School Sports Turf
All schools are feeling the pressure for all facets of their school offering to perform and provide school children with the best possible environment.
Schools today have a much higher density of school children per area of school grounds versus 5-10 years ago and as such need grassed areas such as playground grass or football ground grass to be at peak performance all year through.
As such schools require increased performance from their turfed areas for many reasons ranging from increased sports activities, it needs to provide a cool and safe play area, it needs to look good all year round, an area to hold school gatherings, provision of a place for organised after school sports, carnivals and community events. Simply put you need a turf that is going to perform a required for today and for decades to come.
It’s a critically important choice to make when choosing the right turf for the job. When considering the needs of your school Village Green can assist in overcoming the many issues that your current turfed areas are facing. Village Green is a smart choice as it is hard wearing, resilient, safer to play on, low allergies, requires less fertiliser, weed control, water compared to other varieties of turf. All turf is not created equal! Here’s why!